Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before College Told Through FRIENDS Memes

So I finally finished my freshman year of college! Whoo, go me! Along the way, here are some things I learned between the late night outs with friends and late night study sessions (basically every day was a late night AKA no sleep!):

  1. You might not be best friends with your roommate. Heck, you might not even be friends with them. If you’re friends right now, you might not be with time. 

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2. Beware of fuckboys. They’re everywhere and they’re out to find some unaware freshman girl. They might not even be the ones you were expecting…

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3. You gotta learn how to say no. It’s okay, I promise the person you’re canceling on or rejecting won’t call you a bitch. Probably. Oh, and you gotta learn how to be said no to, too.

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4. Free food!? Free shirts!? Yes, go to the event! Who said you had to stay longer than receival of the free stuff? 😉

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5. Know your limits. Especially when it comes to alcohol. If you don’t know your limits yet, make sure you go out with a TRUSTWORTHY friend. Notice that I capitalized trustworthy, because girllll (or boy or whatever you choose to identify as), I do not want to see you lying on the bathroom floor at 2 in the morning. And neither do the police.

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6. Your professors probably won’t care if you show up to lecture. But your grades will (oh that sneaky little fucker).

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7. Your GPA doesn’t define you. This one I’m still working on believing myself. I’ll let you know when I’m there.

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8.  Dabbling in cooking and cleaning may be a good idea. Unless you want to be like me and eat Chick-fil-a all the dang time and walk around on a carpet of your own hair.

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9.  Not everything will work out. You will probably stop being in contact with some of your friends from high school that you promised you would never stop talking to. But let’s be real. Long-distance relationships hardly ever work, and friendships are no exception to that rule. But good thing! You can always catch up later on, and if the friendship was real, things should go back to being the same as always in no time.

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10.  Packing can be a pain in the ass. Especially when it’s finals week. So don’t bring what you don’t need to!!!

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Feel free to add more college lessons learned in the comments section!

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